Cutlass fish dish

 Hi everyone. Today's fish is Cutlass fish. Cutlass fish is called “tathiuo” in Japanese. The reason I recommend this fish is because it is more delicious than other white fish. The price of one is 2,000 to 3,000 yen. If you feel this price is high, please let me know. I'll go catch one for you.

What kind of fish is it?

A cutlass fish is like a sword. The fish on the left turns silver over time. The fish in the picture on the right is shining like a mirror because it has just been caught. It's so beautiful! This fish has very sharp teeth.Your skin may break just by touching it. The cutlass fish prey on small fish with their sharp teeth. Please be careful with this teeth when you handle it.

How do you eat this fish?

1. The most delicious way to eat it is sashimi. I gave the cutlass fish  to some of my friends and looked it up. As a result, sashimi was the most popular. I got a comment that I can eat as much as I want. If you have a chance to eat it, try sashimi.

2. The second is fried fish(tatsutaage). This is a dish

that I recommend too. The seasoning is soy sauce, mirin, sake, garlic, ginger and fried in oil. It's so delicious that you can't compare it with the white fish around there. It tastes especially good with mayonnaise.

3. The last dish is cuttlefish plum shiso roll(tachiuonoumeshisororu). It's a standard dish for this fish. 
The sourness of plum blossoms works reasonably well on white fish and it's very delicious. I also recommend this dish as it will be mild  with cheese.
I will introduce more and more recommended fish. "If you want to be able to handle fish, or if you want to cook fish dishes, please take a look." Be sure to watch YouTube Kimagure Cook if you want to learn how to prepare fish.



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